Common Fire Code Violations
When you own a commercial property, you have a lot to consider. From making sure your inventory is well-stocked to hiring the right employees to suit your company’s needs, you don’t have any time to waste. However, not taking the time to ensure your space is safe can cost you a lot more than you think. At Park Sales & Service Inc., we offer a variety of services to take the burden off of business owners. Here, we explore common fire code violations and why they’re so important to prevent.

Common Fire Code Violations
Commercial spaces need to take extra precautions when it comes to fire safety. That’s why creating a common fire code violation checklist can help you stay prepared. Some things on your list should be:
Ensuring Exits Aren’t Blocked
Commercial spaces have a lot of equipment, files, and other important supplies lying around. However, you want to make sure these items aren’t cluttering up spaces in front of exits. Blocked doors can prevent quick escape in case of emergency.
Testing Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors
During a busy workday, you might not notice a fire until it’s too late. That’s why fire alarms and smoke detectors are critical to the safety of you, your employees, and your visitors. A professional should come by at least once a year to ensure all your systems are in working order.
Checking Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers should be inspected regularly by professionals. This will ensure they’re ready for use if a fire breaks out, saving your business space and maybe even lives. Make sure that every fire extinguisher is fully charged and classified for each area of your building.
Checking Extension Cords
Extension cords are not meant to be a permanent fix. If your business has been using an extension cord in place of a permanent solution, it can be a fire hazard. Instead, you’ll want an electrician to come in and create more outlets.
Dull Fire Safety Signage
Remember that not everyone that is in your building is familiar with all your safe exit procedures. To ensure everyone knows where to go in case of a fire, your exit signs should be clearly visible and well-lit.
Clearing Sprinklers and Piping
As convenient as it may be to hang items from sprinkler systems, doing so may result in the system accidentally activating. Not only will this mean you could get a fire code violation, but it could also result in sprinklers destroying electronics and other important items unnecessarily.
Making Sure You Have the Proper Sprinkler Systems
Believe it or not, there are different types of sprinkler systems for different types of buildings. If your establishment was originally designed for a different purpose, have an expert take a look before it’s too late.
How Can We Help?
At Park Sales & Service Inc., we pride ourselves on helping business owners keep their facilities free of fire code violations. Not only will this save you from having to pay fines and deal with complications during insurance claims, but it will help protect your property and the people inside it. Our services include fire extinguisher certification, service and maintenance contracts, and more. We also sell a selection of commercial fire extinguishers to suit your needs.
We are DOT Certified for high-pressure cylinder testing and certified for fire extinguisher maintenance by New York City, New Jersey, and Nassau County. Because we are a family business that has worked in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island, and Nassau County for years, you can trust we’ll do everything we can to help. We also offer competitive pricing that business owners are sure to appreciate. If you’re interested in any of our services or products, contact us today.